Agroland reaches 29 MEGA stores in Romania
Agroland Business System, a Romanian retail, agriculture and food entrepreneurial group, which owns the largest network of agricultural stores in Romania, announces the opening of a new Agroland store in MEGA format near the municipality of Suceava, its network reaching 29 units of this type nationwide.
“The opening of the new MEGA store in Suceava brings us closer to achieving our objective of exceeding the threshold of 250 Agroland stores this year. The expansion plan follows a period in which we consolidated the foundations of our network and identified the areas with the highest potential for the MEGA format,” says Horia Cardoș, founder and CEO of Agroland Business System.
The new Agroland Suceava store is the first MEGA unit opened in Suceava county and the sixth Agroland store in this county. For the opening of the new Agroland Suceava, the company invested approximately 900,000 lei. Currently, the Agroland Group operates 236 stores, of which 29 are MEGA format stores.