JYSK has reached the threshold of 150 stores in Romania
In March 2025, JYSK reaches an important goal in Romania: the inauguration of store number 150 in Mamaia Nord. Located on Bulevardul Mamaia Nord no. 34, Mamaia-Sat, Constanța. The store has a total area of 1150 square meters.
In the coming years, JYSK will open between 6 and 18 new stores per year, which also implies a rapid increase in the number of employees.
"In 2021, we reached our initial goal of 100 stores in Romania. Coincidentally, store number 100 is also in Constanța. That's when we raised the bar higher and set a new goal: 200 stores. We believe that proximity is important for our customers, which is why we want to have stores not only in big cities, but also in small and medium-sized towns. JYSK stores have become part of the communities in which they operate and represent an attractive shopping destination, where customers always find good offers, attractive products and reliable services," says Iraida Paiuc, Sales and Marketing Manager JYSK Romania and Bulgaria.