Railway administration offers again the unused lower station in Jablonec nad Nisou
The Railway Administration is again offering the unused building of the lower station in Jablonec nad Nisou, it has announced a public tender. It is asking CZK 2.395 million for the dilapidated building from the late 19th century, but interested parties can offer less. The station, which is in dire need of complete reconstruction, stands between the railway and tram tracks on Brandl and is part of the retaining wall that strengthens the slope. Bids can be submitted until 27 August.
The Railway Administration unsuccessfully launched a public tender for the sale of the former station building in January. "The town of Jablonec nad Nisou is not interested in the building because of the high costs of the necessary reconstruction," said Jana Fričová, a spokeswoman for the town hall.
The former station building with a restaurant and offices dating back to 1889 has not served its purpose for years and was slated for demolition five years ago. The Railway Administration is now trying to monetise it. "The brick building with two above-ground and two underground floors with a gable roof has been unused for a long time. It is disconnected from the utilities, the windows and doors at track level are bricked up to prevent unwanted people from entering. However, the building can be connected to the electricity, sewerage and gas supply from the public street lines," the Railway Administration said.
The building is located in a very busy place, the I/14 road from Liberec via Vratislavice to Jablonec runs past it, trains stop every 15 minutes on the adjacent line, and trams on the intercity line Liberec - Jablonec, whose operation was resumed by the Liberec transport company on 1 May after more than two years of closure, have a similar frequency. The new owner also has to take into account that there is a low-voltage connection through the building for the outdoor lighting of the railway station and also for the power supply of the signalling equipment, both of which are managed by the Railway Administration.
In the past, the Association for the Restoration of Railways in Jablonec nad Nisou sought to save the station by building a clubhouse and a large model railway track, and the association also considered opening a café or restaurant. However, the plan was abandoned. Despite its age, the building is not listed, and those interested in the 630-square-metre site can visit the building in July and August.
Source: CTK
Photo: spravazeleznic.cz