Transformation of Palmovka one significant step closer to its realization

by   CIJ News iDesk III
2024-06-24   08:29
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The transformation of the so-called pentagon in Palmovka, the area between Voctářova, Švábky and Sokolovská streets in Prague 8, is one significant step closer to its realization. The City Council of the capital city of Prague is now closer to the end of the project. The Prague City Council meeting on 20-21 June approved an amendment to the zoning plan that will enable coordinated urban development of this area according to the Palmovka Zoning Study and an increase in the potential capacity of the local urban land by approximately 120,000 m2 of gross floor area. On a total of 8 hectares of urban land in the Palmovka development area, PDS is preparing 2,000 urban apartments and approximately 40,000 to 50,000 m² of space that can be used for administrative, retail (restaurants, cafés, smaller shops and services) and non-commercial purposes (for a primary school, cultural or community centres, a library and children's leisure activities). The development is expected to take place in phases over a period of 5 - 15 years (up to 2035/2038). Appropriate spatial development will enable a friendly connection between Rohanský ostrov, Invalidovna and Palmovka.

Petr Hlaváček, Deputy Mayor of the Capital City of Prague "From the perspective of the capital city, this is a strategic area with consolidated ownership and potential. We have managed to secure the location of the EUSPY headquarters, which will be one of the world centres of scientific and technological development and also a place of new job opportunities. In the next few years, we also plan to complete the entire area from Švábek to Palmovka. The approval of the change will also allow us to complete the property settlement with the Transport Company and I assume that in the autumn it will be possible to start preparing the first concrete projects based on the zoning study and the new form of the master plan through the Prague Development Company."

"The change of the master plan was initiated in 2019 during the preparatory work for the creation of the PDS, still through the Institute of Planning and Development of the capital. Prague. The approved zoning amendment will unlock the huge development potential of these lands under the control of the capital city. The agreed regulation and the necessary increase in building coefficients will also result in a significant market valuation of the city's land," says Petr Urbánek, Director of the Prague Development Company.

A new and lively centre on the right bank of the Vltava.

Land owned by the City of Prague. Prague and the Transport Company of the capital city. They are located right next to the Palmovka transport hub with a future connection to Invalidovna and Rohanský ostrov and represent the largest development area in the wider centre of the metropolis, which the city controls by ownership. PDS is coordinating the preparation of a new district with the ambition to become a vibrant centre of the right bank of the Vltava River. It will consist of residential and office buildings with restaurants, cafés, shops and services. Civic amenities in the form of a primary school and kindergartens are also planned. Palmovka will have a central park with a promenade, several smaller squares and a number of courtyards, which will be a pleasant place for children and adults to stay thanks to the quality of the landscape architecture.

Urban planning study of Palmovka.

An urban study has been initiated for the whole wider Palmovka area, which captures the consensus on the urban concept of the area and forms the basis for the ongoing change to the master plan. The urban study prepared by Unit architects respects the existing values of the site, incorporates residential and office buildings and creates an attractive public space between them. The study is based on the principles of sustainable development and a compact city with a sufficient amount of well-designed green areas and parks. As part of their student work, the students of FA ČVUT have also prepared a physical model of the Palmovka area, which is based on the parameters of the zoning study and can be viewed at the PDS headquarters.

Headquarters of EUSPA - European Space Research Agency.

A key shift for the site will be the revitalisation of the disused building Centrum Nová Palmovka, which, after its reconstruction and completion, will become the new headquarters of the European Union Space Programme Agency (EUSPA). In autumn 2023, PDS handed over the project for the transformation of this building to the City Hall. Prague, which launched a tender for a general contractor in the form of Design & Build. The approved change to the master plan is, among other things, a necessary basis for further successful progress in the preparation of the new EUSPA headquarters.

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