Cum functioneaza?

How it works

1. Inregistrati-va

In order to start publishing your company news & activities you should fill all the required information during the registration process. You should also fill in your company’s data on the encompassme Company Page and upload your company’s logo in Account Settings to present your business to all users and publishers. To become a publisher on encompassme, click the Start Publishing link and follow the instructions. You’ll be able to begin publishing as soon as your Access Request is confirmed.

How it works

2. Creati-va propriile stiri ale companiei

Once you signed up, you will gain access to all latest news on the inside deals and events taking place. It is advisable, so you look through all the news posted on encompassme and use it as a model of how your content should look like. You can also start by writing your own press releases, describing your company’s activity in your own discretion, both in English or Czech, Polish, Romanian, Slovak. Either way, through encompassme your company’s news will reach an wide group of readers active in todays business markets around the world.

How it works

3. Clasificati-va stirile

Selectati data postarii dumneavoastra, categoria, sectorul si tara de acoperire. De asemenea este important sa selectati limba in care postarea dumneavoastra va fi lansata. Acest lucru permite beneficiarilor de a gasi stiri usor si rapid prin optiunile avansate de cautare encompassme

How it works

4. Postarea stirilor

Inserati stirea in campul pentru text si titlul situat mai sus. Cu un titlu lizibil si atragator, utilizatorii encompassme va vor gasi stirea mult mai interesanta.

How it works

5. Extinderea continutului

Pentru a va face stirile mai cuprinzatoare puteti adauga fisiere atasate in scopul de a furniza detalii suplimentare sau de context pentru articolul principal. Inainte de publicare trebuie doar sa adaugati fisierul Word, Exel, Power Point sau Adobe pentru a finaliza postarea cu toate informatiile relevante.

How it works

6. Adaugarea pozei

It's important to attach a picture that's related somehow to the article or a logo representing your company. Upload the photo you intend to place on the website before you save and publish your content. Multiple picture posting is available depending of your chosen subscription level.

How it works

7. Urmariti postarea dumneavoastra

After following these steps, you will be able to see your post in the “My Posts” section. You will be also able to track your news in the Statistics section of your account, which will be providing you with complete, updated information about the number of users reading your news every day.

Statistici de baza

131- Postari ale companiilor
92422- Actualizari zilnice
41- Tari

Incepeti publicarea!